Satoo Garden, Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia | 27th May 2024
Join the Temenos Team, as we share the latest in banking innovation, showcase customer success, and explore how we can forge ahead to build the Banks of Tomorrow in Indonesia.
Speaker: Ravi Pathare, Vice President, Temenos Indonesia
As the financial services industry accelerates beyond the digital age into the age of the Cloud, what are some of the key functionalities that Temenos is unleashing to enable Indonesian Banks to capture their key opportunities for the future? Uncover how Temenos prepares Indonesian Banks to build for their future.
Speaker: Rishi Sarin, Deputy Business Solutions Director APAC, Temenos AG
Developing a dynamic Cloud Banking Service that evolves daily, capable of rapid scalability to safeguard banking offerings in the digital age.
Exploring critical success factors for cloud migration, encompassing key aspects like Security, Resilience, and Regulation.
Speaker: Barani Kumar Govindaraj, Principal Consultant, Temenos Asia Pacific
Complete Application: Core, Middle, Front and Digital Channels
Regulatory and Compliance Features
Security Features
Infrastructure and Connectivity
Managed Services
Speaker: Adityo M. Yogiswara, Head of Corporate Strategy, FDS-PAC Group
Banks in Indonesia and ASEAN have to “build” to accommodate for an unprecedented growth in the Payments business, driven fundamentally by economic growth in the region. Considering a mid to long term approach is essential for growth and survival, and underlying technology stack plays a big role. Temenos shares more.
Speaker: Ajay Pundir, Payments Specialist MEA & APAC, Temenos MEA
Modern AI application with forward thinking analytics creates ‘virtuous cycles’ where intelligence breeds better data transforming products, services and customer satisfactions. In this session we discuss how tomorrow’s Indonesian banks can leverage on the interconnectedness between Data Strategy and AI to propel Indonesian banking forward.
Speaker: CK Loy, Principal Consultant, Temenos AG
Islamic banking landscape in Asia Pacific, impact of global, regional, and national market forces on Islamic banking for APAC, ASEAN.
Key digital banking trends in Asia Pacific: Banking-as-a-Service, Embedded Finance, Hyper-Personalized Banking, and the implications for Islamic Banking.
Islamic Neo Banks and the essential pillars for impactful Islamic banking globally.
Speaker: Rahul Sharda, Senior Consultant – Business Solutions, Temenos AG
Speaker: Ravi Pathare, Vice President, Temenos Indonesia
*The agenda above is indicative and subject to amendments. Please check back here for the latest updates.
Vietnam, and other ASEAN countries lead the way in digital banking, enabling greater access to financial services, driving innovation and creating new opportunities for economic growth.
Setiap pribadi manusia hingga suatu organisasi tentu ingin bisa mandiri dalam menentukan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Kemandirian kemudian dianggap sebagai suatu tolak ukur keberhasilan individu atau suatu entitas.
Sistem core banking perbankan di masa depan harus mampu menopang kebutuhan bisnis, harus agile, harus memiliki kecepatan dan juga simplicity (sederhana).
Ketika bicara mengenai digital banking atau bank digital, banyak orang langsung tergiur untuk menyimpan dana di bank digital. Mereka tergiur akan tingkat bunga yang diberikan oleh bank digital.
Di tengah maraknya tren perkembangan perbankan digital, terdapat sejumlah hal yang harus diperhatikan oleh kita semua. Mulai dari regulator sampai pelaku industri perlu mempersiapkan diri secara matang agar bisnis perbankan digital dapat tumbuh berkesinambungan.
As digital transformation continues to reshape the banking industry, Indonesia has seen a dramatic increase in digital banking adoption. According to McKinsey’s Personal Financial Services 2021 survey, about 78% of Indonesian customers now use digital banking actively, a significant increase from 57% in 2017.
According to a recent global payments report by McKinsey, cross-border money movement generated about a quarter of a billion US dollars in revenue in 2022, an increase of 17 per cent from 2021. The number is expected to reach half a billion over the next few years. So yes, Cross-border payments are an essential business for banks.
PVcomBank telah menjalankan Temenos Core untuk perbankan ritel dan korporasi selama lebih dari satu dekade. Dengan memperkenalkan Temenos Digital, PVcomBank telah mampu mengintegrasikan kemampuan front-office dan back-office secara lancar pada satu platform yang menghubungkan pusat data on-premise dan cloud.
Sacombank, one of Vietnam’s leading private commercial joint-stock banks, continues its strategic partnership with Temenos, moving forward to execute the Infinity digital banking solution announced in November 2022.
Read about the success story of Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MSB) and discover how the bank modernizes retail and corporate banking with Temenos open platform.
Metrobank is implementing Temenos Wealth to improve operational efficiency, elevate the customer experience and support business growth from digital channels.
Temenos core banking platform gives Cebuana Lhuillier Bank flexibility and agility to manage customer accounts and transactions with greatly improved performance and efficiency.
Empowering financial institutions to become trusted partners by breaking the boundaries of traditional banking, and proactively supporting small business growth.