AUTON8 was formed in 2019 and has developed the testing and data migration platform over three years before releasing it to the market.

AUTON8 enables automation of processes, covering enterprise-wide testing including performance, regression and functional. It provides no-code record and replay linked to outcome reporting and operator dashboards. It supports data migration with flexible cleansing and transformation allowing data to be prepared from any source into Transact or other applications. AUTON8 addresses access to historical transaction data from before a Temenos implementation or upgrade, providing customers and staff seamless access to transaction data from before and after a cutover.


Automate, migrate, elevate

AUTON8 enables automation of processes, enterprise-wide testing and data migration activities as well as providing a query engine that allows seamless access to historical transaction data following a Temenos Transact implementation or major upgrade.

Rest easy

Let your best placed SMEs create robust processes and tests themselves. No need for specialist IT automation staff

Shift left

Let your developers or service providers reuse these to get their functionality right first time. Drastically reduce cost and time to market

Shift right

Reuse these as far right as your production environment to replace simple or complex manual procedures


Reproduce and replace complex integrations and processes that span multiple people and systems from your customers through to your partners and service providers

Multiple process use cases

Such as reconciliation, bulk change, process completion validation, system availability monitoring, payments integration, you can even use it to facilitate creation of training, learning, and demonstration material for your customers and staff


Don’t repeat yourself. Maintain changes to automated tests or processes easily. Write once and let others inherit. Change once and everybody gets the benefit. Let your systems change! Encourage improvement!

Be AUTONomous

Trigger or schedule tests or processes remotely empowering powerful enterprise-wide process automation and integration

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