The market-leading solution for reclaiming withholding taxes on investment income – secure and compliant to all tax rules

Provide an outstanding withholding tax service for your clients by using the most modern software solution. reclaimer® enables banks to efficiently manage withholding tax reclaims and reliefs for their customers and themselves on an end-to-end basis. Digital M2M-claiming procedures to different foreign tax authorities are implemented in the software. reclaimer® manages and optimises the entire reclaim process.


Increased After-Tax Return

Withholding taxes on dividends and interest income reduce the return on investments. Reclaiming them, where possible, increases investment return significantly. Depending on specific circumstances, reclaimer® increases the return of your portfolio by up to 60bpts per annum.

Reduced Workload

Reclaiming withholding taxes is a bureacratic and time-consuming process. reclaimer® automates the whole process to the greatest possible extent and automatically generates all the required paperwork. This saves you valuable time and money.

Reduced Operational Risk

It is easy to pick the wrong form, the wrong rate, forget about a due date, or fill out the form incorrectly. Not anymore! reclaimer® knows the rules and applies them automatically.

Always keep the Overview

We know from experience how difficult it is to keep up-to-date with all the reclaims you do for you and your clients. This is no longer an issue with reclaimer®’s dashboards and other user-friendly reporting functionalities.

Tax Regulations Constantly Updated

Laws and withholding tax regulations are often subject to change. The reclaim logic and reclaim forms are embedded in the application and permanently monitored and updated. Electronic filing is also supported.

Broad Market Coverage

reclaimer® covers 17 markets and over 700 market-domicile combinations. Over 60 reclaim forms are embedded. Frequent updates make sure the business rules are always up-to-date.

Industry Approved

reclaimer® is successfully used by many leading banks and service providers. Thousands of reclaims are produced using reclaimer® every year.

Ready for the Temenos Community

reclaimer® can be integrated easily into the Temenos Core Banking System with a standard interface. The software solution will be customized to your bank specific needs and circumstances.


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