Product Vision

Simplify digital asset management and securely integrate crypto into your services.

Dfns provides a wallet-as-a-service platform for organizations to easily create, embed, and manage digital asset wallets. Using advanced cryptography and standard cybersecurity practices, our platform offers tools (APIs, SDKs, UIs, iFrames) for key, authentication, identity, access, policy and transaction management. We also support a large number of webhooks, third-party app and blockchain integrations to ensure our wallet infrastructure provides maximum efficiency and interoperability.

Dfns Benefits

Secure user onboarding

Avoid unsafe key downloads and use strong MFA with passkeys, biometrics, PIN, or even Yubikeys. Safely recover keys through email, codes and extra devices. Managing keys requires expertise most lack, leaving systems vulnerable. Our security model is designed to protect users from their mistakes.d

Access every blockchain easily

Take advantage of our versatile key management service for digital assets. Dfns provides a variety of keys, signatures, and integrations, enabling you to confidently expand across all blockchains. We support complex nodes and index their data, allowing you to transact securely on any blockchain.

One single API for all actions

Rebuilding infrastructure is prone to errors and leads to rigidity. Operate from a unified developer platform that offers a seamless admin experience. Easily manage all blockchain complexities with simple API functions and commands.

Streamline transactions

Don’t lose time building transfers. Automate your transaction workflows directly via API and broadcast them onchain as ready-made payloads—it’s hassle-free.

Scale without limits

High processing of transactions requires performant systems. Experience near-zero downtime and sub-second processing. Leverage the most reliable wallet infrastructure, offering millions of wallets at high transaction speed and throughput with over 99.95% uptime to grow without disruptions.

Control authorizations with accuracy

Import your internal rules and compliance framework with our governance APIs that enable controls, quorums, policies and granular approval workflow orchestration. We serve as a security layer, providing margin for error and protection against errors that would otherwise be irreparable.

Comply with regulations

Deploy and orchestrate keys and services in the locations of your choice to stay ahead of regulations like DORA and FISMA, ensuring future-proof compliance. Configure wallets exactly as you want with our granular API semantics.

NIST-compliant, bank-grade security

Build on top of state-of-the-art MPC and secure enclaves in a zero trust model, providing unmatched fault and attack resistance for key security. You can also bring your own device and connect your HSM to our secure public key infrastructure.

Dfns Features

Programmable wallets

We offer a range of tools (UI, API, SDK, iFrame, etc.) for quick deployment of programmable wallets. Dfns supports both custodial (“developer-controlled”) and non-custodial (“user-controlled”) wallet configurations, ensuring flexibility.

Blockchain transactions

Our system supports blockchain data indexing, allowing smart contract calls and transaction broadcasting across over 30 blockchains. Dfns supports various key and signature types (ECDSA, EdDSA, Schnorr, Stark, etc.) ensuring cross-chain transaction management.

Programmable governance

Streamline digital asset compliance with our APIs. Assign role-based access controls (RBAC) to wallets, configure transfer settings, and shield policies with advanced security measures. Receive instant alerts on approvals and secure transfers with approve-listed wallet addresses.

Our wallet management system ensures security and reliability with advanced technologies like MPC/TEE, distributed networks, verifiable code, threshold-based recovery, and passwordless authentication (WebAuthn) for PKI-based tamper-proof protections and logs.

Dfns provides a flexible key management platform with customizable wallets, allowing to control private keys, policies, recovery procedures, and infrastructure without relying on vendors. Dfns can adapt to various locations, cloud setups, BYOD options, and custom local key deployments.

Our system efficiently handles high transaction volumes, even during peak hours. Our patent-pending MPC protocol is optimized for throughput and enhances security without affecting performance. With over 99.95% annual uptime, our services are reliable and consistently online, ensuring dependable performance.


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