Comprehensive solution to control and monitor Lombard credit portfolio exposure and investments, integrated with Wealth Front office

Provide a full dashboard for credit risk managers to surpervise Lombard credit investements. Offers What-if functions for simulation and stress testing, integrated with Wealth Front Office Pre-Trade Compliance Check to guarantee exposure control and risk compliance.

Key Benefits

Fully customizable (Parameters, lending ratio, Data model, concentration rules, …)

Natively integrated with Wealth Front-Office and can also integrate with any bank’s system (Prices feed,…) 

Manage full security requirements (Manager, Team, makers- checkers, …)


Online updates and monitoring of collateral and exposure values, i.e. no need to wait for EOD reports

Pre-trade (as opposed to post-trade) collateral checking

Breaches and alerts could be integrated to other notification systems/channels


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