Unlocking Identity: How Socure’s Journey Manager Combats Fraud with Advanced Verification Techniques

The Temenos Journey Manager Socure provides Identity (IDV) and Document Verification (DV) services through various modules (such as Fraud, KYC, Email risk, Address risk, Phone risk, Global watchlist, Alert list, Social, and Document Verification) using machine learning algorithms.

Socure uses data points such as name, physical address, phone number, email address, IP address, and other information to confirm an identity belongs to a person, and to what extent that identity poses any potential fraud risk.

Journey Manager Socure TAF Benefits:

Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Socure evaluates multiple risk factors to provide a holistic view of identity fraud risk.

Real-time Decisioning

With instant identity verification across extensive data sources, Socure enables businesses to make quick, informed decisions.

Seamless Integration

The platform easily integrates with existing systems, enhancing the user experience without disrupting workflows.