Temenos Learning Community

TLC Online

Get connected, get certified, get ahead.
Learning at your pace, and your place.

Benefits of TLC Online

24×7 Cloud Environment

Learn at your pace in your place, no schedule, no travel, no expenses.

Pay as You Learn

New product specific learning packs allow you to pay only for what you need when you need it.

Official Materials

The only place to access official Temenos training materials, tools and services.

Learning Pathways

Recommended learning pathways to enhance your specialism in Temenos products and implementation areas.

Familiarization Sandbox

Get to know our software quickly and effectively with our standard model bank sandbox.

Testing & Certification

Learn at your pace and at your place and get certified when and where you want, no exam times, no classes, no travel.

What is TLC Online

Cloud-based subscription access to official Temenos online training and certification.

TLC ONLINE is a cloud-based, individual subscription service which delivers easy access to digital training materials covering Temenos products, suites and technologies from wherever you are, at whatever time suits you. In addition TLC ONLINE provides members with a platform on which to connect with one another, to seek and share knowledge within the online community while growing their own network and building their personal profile.

Once your membership is live you will be able to connect with other members, access exclusive news updates and events, and of course browse our training course options. When you have found the right courses for you, you can purchase the relevant ‘learning pack’, so you only pay for what you need, when you need it. You will then be able to access the official Temenos training materials, recommended learning pathways, exams and certifications associated with that learning pack. Where applicable you will also have access to our T24 familiarisation sandboxes.

To get more of an overview watch our introductory video, and to learn more on how TLC ONLINE works scroll down.

How It Works

Join the Community

Joining the TLC Online Community gives you access to our global learning community and the platform from where you can purchase the training that is right for you. Subscriptions are on an individual basis – training progress and certification are YOURS.

Your Profile

Once your membership is live set up your community profile to start networking, seeking and sharing knowledge.

You are Ready to Go

You are now ready to choose the right product learning pack for you so you can access the relevant online training materials, recommended learning pathways and exams to reach your certification. Or go ‘Premium’ and get access to multiple learning packs and over 1000 courses.

Get Qualified

Pass each stage of competence to see your certification level go from Member, to Accredited to ultimately becoming the highest level of recognition as a Temenos Innovator.

Get Noticed

Receive official Temenos certification to use on your online profile and your CV to reflect your certification and TLC membership level.

Stay Current

Jump into the T24 Familiarisation Sandbox whenever you want to – great for refreshing your knowledge and excellent for onboarding if new to Temenos software.

Stay Connected

While you are a member you will receive exclusive content, updates, news and invites to events. Renewal is easy, stay connected.

Temenos Learning Community Success Story - Ammara Masood, President and CEO of NDC Technology Consultants

Organisations should invest in the TLC program, they will see an immediate return like we have.

Ammara Masood, President and CEO of NDC Technology Consultants

Want to get started?

Get in touch or download the TLC Online brochure.