Panel Discussion: Building a Better Digital-First Bank

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Learn About the Building a Better
Digital-First Bank

In this panel discussion, we had Swapnil Deshmukh – Regional Director of Infinity Digital Banking at Temenos as our moderator, with Rafiza Ghazali – CEO Designate at KAF Digital Bank, Tu Duong Quoc – Deputy Director & Head of Digital Banking & Retail Banking Division at Saigon-Hanoi Bank (SHB), and Nguyen Chien Thang – Director of Digital Banking at Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) as our panelists.

They talked about the levers for running and executing a digital-first program, and how to manage various stakeholders and cultural change through a mindset shift between running a bank versus building a bank. They then discussed about the challenges and dependencies in executing digital projects, as well as the key factors of consideration to selecting the right digital solution partner.

Fill in your details to watch the recording of the panel discussion to gain insights on how to build a better digital-first bank.