Byte-sized banking: Can banks create a true ecosystem with embedded finance?
Download the Economist Impact report today
As payments, technology and e-commerce disruptors compete against banks with embedded finance solutions, banks must harness emerging technologies to create their own digital ecosystems and remain at the center of the banking universe. Across the globe, banks are saying that new technologies will have the biggest impact on banks in the next five years—more than customer demands and evolving regulation.
In 2023, the Economist conducted a study, commissioned by Temenos, including a survey of 300 banking executives. These reports, based off of that survey, dig into the latest trends around technology, strategy, competition and customer demands.
Download one of the Economist reports to learn more:
Can investments in disruptive technologies bolster the competitiveness of North American banks?
Download the NAM Economist Impact report today
Can banks create a true ecosystem with embedded finance?
Download the Global Economist Impact report today