
TCF 2015 – ‘the Best TCF Ever!’

Press Releases,
Temenos – Company

Our annual conference, Temenos Community Forum, was held in Istanbul on 19-21 May this year. The event was our biggest and most successful event ever, drawing over 900 of our customers, partners and investors, as well as press and industry analysts. We were delighted to receive so much positive feedback from attendees, who described TCF as ‘inspirational’, ‘fantastic’, and ‘perfectly organized’.

At the year’s event we launched the theme ‘Experience-Driven Banking’ and delegates discussed how financial institutions must use data and analytics to provide helpful, value-added advice and services that help them attract and retain customers.

Our Partner Day

The day before the main event, we held our fifth annual partner day, which was very well attended, with over 200 representatives joining us from 45 institutions. It was a valuable opportunity to interact with our partners, sharing ideas on we can better work together to offer enhanced services to our customers. Our partners also enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about each other, through presentations and lively group discussions. There was a dedicated partner expo area throughout TCF, with each partner having its own stand to meet customers and exhibit the complementary products and services they offer.

Experience-Driven Banking

Our CEO, David Arnott, opened the main conference, outlining a series of challenges that banks face such as tighter regulation, changing customer behavior and a raft of new competitors, all of which have depressed returns on equity. “It will only be the most innovative banks that will be able to change the paradigm, break out of this cycle and return to profitability. It will take real forward thinking,” he told the 900 delegates.

David then said: “At the same time, the customers want a new relationship. They want a trusted adviser for the right products — they want their loyalty rewarded.”

This speech paved the way for a series of interactive sessions, panel discussions and speeches around the event’s overarching theme, “Experience-Driven Banking”.

“It feels to me like we’re on for the best TCF ever,” David told delegates. And he was right. 

Ben Robinson, our Chief Marketing Officer, also used the first day of TCF to launch our new white paper on Experience-Driven Banking to the press. The report sets out how and why banks must invest in customer experience to stay ahead of a new wave of competitors.

Showcasing Our Product Set

The key messages of David’s well-received speech were substantiated by the Temenos product team, which took to the stage next to showcase our product set.

The whole product session took the form of a single continuous role play, charting the journey of a retail customer to corporate customer and, ultimately, private banking customer’ all set against the backdrop of a Parisian café.

Adrian Hadley, Retail Banking Product Director, focused on the potential of rewards. Todd Winship, Product Director of Business Intelligence, looked at real-time reporting across the balance sheet and the power of analytics to streamline and manage cash flow and liquidity.

Amanda Gilmour, Product Director for Payments, subsequently hosted a discussion on the future of payments with Robbert Melgers of ABN Amro, Welly Sculley of Ripple Labs and Gordon Baird of nD Bancgroup. One conclusion was that though there are hurdles to digitising payments, both technical and regulatory, banks need to innovate now or they will die.

Later sessions included a keynote speech from Kenneth Cukier, the Economist’s Data Editor. Traditional companies, he argued, are well placed to exploit digital channels given their existing data troves.

Cukier then joined Celent analyst Stephen Greer, ME Bank CIO Mark Gay and Dan Dickinson of Equitable Bank in Canada to broadly debate banks and digitisation with Ben Robinson, Temenos’s Chief Marketing Officer.

Client Success

Our Client Director, Mike Davis, spoke on Temenos’ record of customer success – the best in our industry. He highlighted the improvements we’ve made across our clients’ business at every customer touch point and how we can keep growing together. Mike’s session included a case study on the implementation of T24 in East Africa and an update on Commercial Bank of Africa’s M-Shwari mobile payments system, which was launched in 2012 and now has more than 10 million customers.

Specialist Breakout Sessions

Over the two days, we enjoyed 36 different breakouts on a wide variety of product and industry related topics, including Experience-Driven Banking and the impact of digitisation, held and hosted by Temenos product teams, customers and partners.

Innovation Jam

One of the most popular sessions by far on day two of TCF was the Innovation Jam, during which Temenos and partners presented their latest technology offerings.

Temenos showed products based around voice control, analytics and our new MarketPlace. EFS Technology offered Autoform UX, an enhancement for the T24 core banking system that helps convert and store data and documents. Deloitte focused on creating a more compelling customer experience with the edgeConnect platform.

Capgemini demonstrated its new banking platform, called Connect, which integrates T24 software with other leading industry products and can be delivered as a secure private cloud service or on a hosted basis. Capgemini believes the product will help bring banking products to the market much faster.

Delegates at the conference voted on all the entries via a specially created app. The winner, with 33 per cent, was Software Group, which presented an offline remote data capture application with biometric authentication, and a receipt printer.

Our Customer & Partner Awards

An important part of TCF was our annual customer and partner awards, designed to recognise excellence achieved with our software across a number of different categories.

The customer award winners were as follows:

Excellence in Customer Service

BlueShore Financial


Product Innovation

KBC Bank


Supporting Growth

Metro Bank

Improved Efficiency

BOQ Specialist Bank


Temenos Chairman Award


Our Partner Awards Consisted of:

Temenos Sales Partner of the Year


Services partner of the year


Complementary Solution Provider of the Year

EFS Technology

Partner Innovation of the Year


for wealthQUAY

Customer Points of View

Customers interviewed during the event by our onsite reporter said that they find the conference very valuable.

Eurico Pego, an IT executive from Santander Private Bank in Miami, said TCF offered him the opportunity to find out more about the latest banking technology and what Temenos is doing. He will take home that intelligence, and share it with colleagues.

Saviour Balamey, Deputy Manager of Finance at National Investment Bank, a Ghanaian lender, said:

“TCF allows us to look into the future, invest for the future, win new customers and improve revenue.”

Mark Gay, CIO of ME Bank of Australia, enjoyed the opportunity to discuss new ways for digital banking to facilitate customer care.

“What’s really valuable at TCF, is understanding the trends in the market and seeing what’s coming up, as well as meeting other banks and sharing experiences with them.”

said Andres Corro, Deputy Director of the wealth management firm Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL)

TCF Customer Survey

Throughout the event, we conducted a survey to gather customer perspectives on how banks can succeed through the digital revolution. It covered areas such as investment priorities, sources of future competition, likely barriers to adoption of the cloud, and compliance and risk management priorities. We are very grateful to the very many of you who participated. As in previous years, we will turn the findings into a detailed study which will be published in September.

Temenos Press Contacts

Scott Rowe

Temenos Global Public Relations

+44 20 7423 3857 [email protected]

Lauren Rae

Edelman Smithfield for Temenos

Tel: +44 7976 353347 [email protected]

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Press Releases,
Temenos – Company