30 years of Temenos: Meet Aiswarya
As Temenos celebrates its 30 year anniversary, we’re spotlighting some Temenosians in our India team who show the constant innovation that sits at the heart of our Temenosity.
‘Going the extra mile’ for Temenos has a very literal meaning for Associate Product Manager Aiswarya.
“I hail from Tamil Nadu, where I completed my schooling and college education, including an MBA in Finance. When I joined Temenos in 2021, first as a trainee and now a business analyst, I had to relocate 400km away from my hometown. The idea was quite daunting, but the warm and welcoming environment in the office, along with the friends I made, quickly put me at ease.”
If there’s one thing that truly motivates Aiswarya, it’s the pursuit of continuous improvement. She finds inspiration in the remarkable journey of Ratan Tata, who climbed from a junior position to the Chairman’s role over three decades, transforming the group into a global business.
Process makes perfect
Aiswarya’s role is all about improvement too. As an Associate Product Manager, she starts by getting requirements from clients on how to make our products better, then she collaborates with the Quality and Development teams to make sure those improvements are delivered
As a naturally structured thinker, Aiswarya is reaping the benefit of a working environment that has also evolved to become more streamlined.
“I’m very methodical in my approach; I enjoy creating a to-do list for the following day. Each morning, I review my list, and it fills me with energy. I aim to check off every task on that list.
With the recent changes in our framework, I now have more opportunities to explore various aspects of Temenos products, which means I can be more efficient with my work. This streamlined approach makes it easier for developers to understand what our clients need, improves team communication, and helps us get better, faster results for clients.”

“I feel like I am learning daily at Temenos. From my seniors and juniors, in my day-to-day role, it’s really exciting and I feel curious to go to the office every day to find out what I will learn!”
A quest for better
On a personal level, improvement for Aiswarya means a thirst for learning.
”I used to write and publish papers on Finance. I’m very good at numbers, financial statistics, stock, funds. It’s a family passion, considering my father’s background in banking. I’m still learning about finance every day and am currently collaborating with a college professor to publish another paper.”
And she’s keen to soak up everything Temenos has to offer:
”I feel like I am learning daily at Temenos. From my seniors and juniors, in my day-to-day role, it’s really exciting and I feel curious to go to the office every day to find out what I will learn! It gives me satisfaction that I’m building my skills; in the last two years I have grown so much!”
”At Temenos we’re really good at training people and it’s very effective.”
A successful tomorrow
When Aiswarya thinks about the future, she’s excited about the prospect of Temenos continuing to evolve as it approaches its 30th anniversary:
“I used to think 30 was very old! But to me it represents being settled in life. For Temenos, it’s a significant milestone. It demonstrates success to have lasted this long. And even though 30 might seem old in our industry, it’s a big achievement to reach it and to still be growing. From a humble beginning to a thriving organisation, this is a huge step!”
“It means that over the years, we’ve been able to adapt to an ever-changing world. And we are still relevant to the world today and for tomorrow. Through constant learning and training our people, we’ve evolved together over 30 years. This reflects the legacy established by the founders, and the commitment of the employees. And it will keep us successful in the future!”