
Latest Blog posts from Temenos

Disruptive technologies driving digital banking transformation

Today, a nexus of disruptive technologies is becoming omnipresent in banking. In a survey we commissioned with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) with 305 global banking executives relating to the digitization of banking, 66% said that new technologies will continue to drive global banking in the next five years, over regulation and changing customer behaviour.

Can E-Money and Traditional Payments Institutions Survive the Onslaught of Big Tech?

Big Tech firms (like Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple) are eying up the payments space enthusiastically. Anyone who attended Sibos last year would have seen the signs that Big Tech is rapidly moving into the places that E-money Institutions (EMIs) presumed was their fundamental niche. This position will get more competitive! These firms are likely to have a big impact on payments. They have put their brands foremost and are using payments to boost on-platform engagement and commerce, reinforcing their importance in consumers' lives.

Electronic Money Institutions – Leading by Example?

Electronic Money Institutions (EMIs) are a relative newcomer to the financial services landscape – particularly in their visibility to the wider market. They are not banks but they are challenging banks in many ways, including their business model - but how are they driving this change?

European Mid-Size Banks Must Seize The Trends and Modernize Now

Temenos and IBSI's white paper, Modernizing Banks in Europe Technology Trends and Challenges for Small and Mid-sized Banks, points out that with revenue slowing down, the emphasis is now, more than ever, on cost efficiency, better risk management, and building a resource-light digital platform for servicing customers.