
Latest Blog posts from Temenos

The Customer Should Come Second!

There is nothing worse than walking into one of your favorite shops only to discover that this particular branch is staffed by a miserable bunch of people, and not only that but they look like they’d rather be doing anything else rather than serving you.

Customer Loyalty now a second-hand emotion?

The industry most likely to complain about customer ‘churn’ - or as they construe it – customer disloyalty – is the telecommunications industry. As soon as the mobile phone became a must-have for every person and child on the planet they wanted a new service provider almost as soon as they received their first handset. And the question from telcos was - why?

The Trouble With Fintechs

Much of the industry and media coverage of banks’ use of, and collaboration with, Fintechs is largely positive, and rightly so. New Fintechs are changing the landscape of our industry…