Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Temenos LEI Module is a fully automated solution designed to meet the requirements of Risk and Compliance professionals, providing an automated cost-effective process for the management and validation of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI).
Why Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Initially mandated for use in Derivatives trade reporting under CFTC rules in the USA and EMIR in EU further mandates such as the ‘no LEI, no trade’ rule under MiFID II has driven global adoption.
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has previously stated that global LEI adoption underpins “multiple financial stability objectives” such as improved risk management in firms as well as better assessment of micro and macro-prudential risks. As such, the use of LEI is increasingly mandated for use in international and domestic regulations.
Therefore, it is essential that banks automate the processes supporting maintenance and validation of LEIs across multiple regulatory touch points.

Fully automated solution for LEI management
Comprehensive solution provides a centralised capability for the management and validation of LEIs including but not limited to, KYC on boarding processes and identification of counterparties during financial securities trade execution

LEI Directory
Maintenance of a dedicated Directory to manage LEIs and associated reference data sourced by the bank, to support LEI validation process

Flexible business rules for automated LEI validation checks
Fully Configurable rules enable clients to identify which transactions should be captured under MiFID rules and retrieve and validate LEIs to identify legal entities and generate National Identification

Connectivity with upstream applications
Independent processing architecture to enable LEI checks to be invoked by multiple upstream Temenos business applications such as Wealth Front Office and Treasury where LEI is required to complete pre-trade compliance and regulatory checks

Replace manual processes and reduce costs of compliance
Replace inefficiencies associated with manual processing by automating validation of LEI related processes. Helps banks better serve their customers and reduce the headline costs and risks associated with non-compliance.

Leading-Edge Technology
Built on Temenos Transact, our solution provides scalable, highly performant, best in class capabilities. Including advanced API-first technology which empowers banks to rapidly innovate, connect to ecosystems and enable developers to build their own connectivity or apps.
Product Overview
Temenos LEI Module is a fully automated solution designed to meet the requirements of Risk and Compliance professionals, providing an efficient cost-effective process for the management and validation of Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI) in KYC on boarding & trade execution including:
- Dedicated Directory to manage LEI codes and associated reference data to support validation processes
- Configurable rules engine enables users to define which transactions qualify for LEI checks and identifies the different parties performing different roles such as Counter party, Broker, Decision Maker, Order Initiator, Trader, etc.
- LEI check and validation during transaction execution is automated guided by the pre-configuration/rules defined in the system based on key data elements
- Independent processing architecture enables LEI validation checks to be invoked by upstream business applications